- Product Life-Cycle Management IT Services Market to Grow 26% to Reach $9.7 Billion in 2007, IDC Press Release, 2003 2 June .
- PLM Market to More than Double, Cygnus Business Media.
- Dave Fischer, TradeMatrix: The New Paradigm of Internet Business, .
- Bill Ausura, Mark Deck, The «new» Product Lifecycle Management systems: What are these PLM systems? And how can they help your company do NPD better? .
- Product Lifecycle Management, «Empowering the Future of Business». CIMdata, .
- Steve Shoaf, Innovation that moves markets. IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions,
- Наталья Дубова, Системы управления производственной информацией. //
- Justin Kestelyn, The Future of Enterprise Applications. Intelligent Enterprise, April 2003.
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